One Cup of Love
Who doesn’t love home baked cookies? The wedding favor is perfect for a bride that wants to send home the warmth and love she felt the entire day! To make this favor all you need is jars (Amount depends on how many guests and who you will be giving them to). In each jar add…. 2 ¼ Cups All Purpose Flour
1 Teaspoon of Baking Soda
1 Teaspoon Salt
¾ Granulated Sugar
¾ Packed Brown Sugar
2 Cups of Chocolate Chips
Once all of these ingredients are placed into the jar, strategically of course, use a small piece of paper to type up the ingredients. On one side you can write the ingredients of your marriage; for example, 2 ¼ cups of love, 1 teaspoon of trust, 1 teaspoon of compassion and so on. On the other side type up the ingredients and add in 1 teaspoon of vanilla extract, 2 large eggs, and one cup of butter (2 sticks) softened. Preheat oven to 375˚ degrees. Combine all ingredients into one large bowl and scoop small balls out and place onto ungreased baking sheets. Bake for 9 to 12 minutes (until golden) then remove and let cool for 5 minutes.
Add a piece of fabric to the top of the lid and a sticker with each of your initials. TA DAA! You have yourself a warm and heart felt favor that everyone can enjoy!
-Recipe from http://www.verybestbaking.com/recipes/detail.aspx?ID=18476.
Boxed Candle Poems
Candles will never get old. Whether you are using one to make the room smell great or trying to create the perfect mood candles are always great! Purchase your candles in bulk this way it will be cheaper and you’ll be sure to have enough. Once the candles have arrived print out different love poems and sonnets onto adequate sized paper. Some various poems you can print are Corinthians 13, Shakespeare’s sonnet 116, and many many more. Once each of the boxes is wrapped in these beautiful words, add a special touch by tying string to the box that has the beaded message of love. In the end you have a great and easy favor that looks fantastic!
Find this and many more great DIY wedding ideas at MarthaStewartWeddings.com